Will I get wrinkles by practicing the Face Yoga Method?

No. Some people think that moving face muscles will make more wrinkles. While the wrong repetitive movements can cause  unwanted wrinkles, moving them the right way can prevent and even reduce wrinkles. Since each pose does not take more than a minute and every movement is very specific, it would be quite difficult to make more wrinkles by practicing the FYM. To make sure you are using the right muscles and moving them correctly, practice the FYM in front of the mirror until you get the move right. In my mid 30′s, I developed a very noticeable forehead line above my right eye brow. It was due to my habit of moving the right eye brow every time I talked. After a few months of the FYM practice, the line is gone! Since the FYM helps your face muscles relax, you may notice your entire face is relaxed after the practice. Stress can make more wrinkles on your face than you think.

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